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Is Erno Rubik Notable? 

The Rubik's Cube. One of the most well-known puzzles. The puzzle has billions of combinations, and only one solved state. Without a method, the Rubik's cube is one of the most complex problem that has been created. There are people that can solve it in under one minute, but there are people that can solve it much faster. These people can solve it in under 10 seconds. So who invented the Rubik's Cube? His name is Erno Rubik. 


So who was Erno Rubik? Erno Rubik was born in Budapest, Hungry. His mum was a poet named Magdolna Szántó and his father was a flight engineer and named Erno Rubik. Rubik was born in 1944, during the world war and went to school to the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. When he was only 27 years of age, he was a professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where he went to school and taught Architecture. 


He started teaching from 1971 to 1979. In 1974, Rubik had was in a situation where he had to teach his class how to solve 3D problems. so he went home and started to create the first prototype of the Rubik's Cube. He then put one colour onto each side of the cube and started to turn. It was until now that he found it  nearly impossible to bring the colours to their original positions. Infact it took him an entire month for him to bring back the colours to their places.  In 1977, Rubik's “Buvös Kocka,” or “Magic Cube. In 1980, Rubik gave his design to ideal toy company and was sold later that year. The Rubik's Cube has been sold over 350 million times since its release. 


I feel that Erno Rubik is notable because his impact on the world has been immaculate. The Rubik's cube isn't just a toy. It is an item that has helped many people with struggles in their lives. This is because the cube is very distracting. This is a positive because if there is something that is very worrying that you can't do anything about it, the Rubik's cube is a great way to stop you thinking about situations that can be very stressful. 


So why did the Rubik's cube impact many lives? The Rubik's has impacted lives by being a distracting puzzle that can help your muscle memory, your ability to play a musical instrument, riding a bike and the most important, it will help you social skills. But not being at home solving on your own. It is when you go to a competition, is when it will help your social skills. If you ask any person that has been to multiple competitions, 99% of them will say it is very helpful for social skills. Being able to socialize is one of the most important skills to have because it will allow you to talk to people and make new friends. 


The Rubiks cube is one of the greatest toys that has ever been created. A lot of kids and even adults have fallen in love with this puzzle. Some solve the cube as a hobby, but some take it very seriously. There are sponsorships involved, world records and world championships to be won. But the Rubik's cube isn't all about the winning. Half of the people that solve the cube just do the "sport" to have a good time, but mostly, the Rubik's cube can help anyone who goes to competitions, on how to socialize much better. Now, why is socializing helpful? Being able to socialize is one of the most important skill to have, especially when you are still in primary school. This means, you can start conversation that people can be a part of with comfort, you can be part of a conversation with everyone part of it being comfortable, and you can act sensibly around people so you can be part more conversations in the future. 


 Erno Rubik started out as a Professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and taught Architecture from 1971 to 1979. In 1974, Rubik created his prototype of the Rubik's Cube. So, how has Erno Rubik impacted the world? Rubik firstly created the Rubik's Cube because he wanted to teach his class how to solve 3D problems. He then went home and created the Rubik's cube. This invention has impacted the world we live in today by allowing people to be free with a hobby they enjoy.  


This has also introduce many more jobs because Rubik's cubes don’t just come out of nowhere. People have to manufacture them, and this creates new jobs so the employees can live without a massive pile of debt following them. Another way the Rubik's cube has effected people is by helping them mentally. The Rubik's cube can actually; help you be more sharp, improve your muscle memory, help you play your musical instrument with more confidence and even help you learn to do different skills, like riding a bike. The cube can also help mentally disabled children. This is because the Rubik's cube uses your fingers, so you would have to have fine motor skills. Autistic people do not have this ability. It can help them be able to do the normal actions, like opening a water bottle. Autistic people also have very little social skills. For everyone that goes to competitions, it can improve your social skills a lot. This will help autistic children at an early age to help them be more like a normal human.  


The Rubiks cube inspired me to choose him for my notable by creating a toy that I love to use. I find it hard to not be always solving on it and thousands of others also do. The way Rubik built his original cube and the way he has inspired others is amazing. The are many manufacturers that have gone out of their way to build insane models with quick and smooth turning, and making it so you can solve them for hours without a sweat because Erno Rubik decided to make the Rubik's Cube the way he did. So, let's go back to the question at hand; Is Erno Rubik notable? I and many others would say absolutely because he has made a huge impact on thousands of people and now, there are still people discovering the Rubik's Cube and finding it to bring them much needed joy. 


Rubik has inspired others to be better and take innervation to the next level. New Rubik's cubes can contain small magnets that help the layers snap into place. This is because of the amazing design that Erno Rubik has incorporated in his invention. The way the pieces are made is genius and it opens up new ways for innervation. 


Erno Rubik has made the best toy that has been put onto the sales market. The cube isn't just used by children. Many top cubers are already in there 20's. The cube is also used for academic proposes. If you ask anyone who is at a cubing competition, they will almost always say that Erno Rubik is notable. I am a true believer in Erno Rubik. There would be many ways to describe him, but if I had one word I would describe him in, it would be, Notable. 

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